

Perfect Green Smoothie Recipe for a Sunny Day

    • 1 glass of orange juice • 1 apple • 1 pear • 1 glass of baby spinach • 1 tbsp. of spirulina
    15   Minutes

    Currently, I’m on my holiday doing a road trip through France. Yesterday we stopped by for a couple of surfing sessions in San Sebastián, Spain. Surfing and the sun take a lot of energy, therefore you need to boost it with a lot of water and vitamins. This morning I had this healthy green smoothie, which is very easy to make and it is super delicious! You can make it in 3 steps:

    1. Make fresh orange juice (or purchase some)

    2. Cut an apple and a pear 

    3. Mix all the ingredients in the blender.

    This smoothie has a lot of nutrients, which will keep you full and energized. At the same time, it is a bit sweet and very delicious compared to many other green smoothies. 

    Enjoy and let me know your impressions in the comments!

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