

Rice linguini and veggies with sweet peanut butter sauce

Rice linguini and veggies with sweet peanut butter sauce

    2 cups cremini mushrooms, ½ red bell pepper, ½ cup frozen green peas, handful of arugula, 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds, salt, 100g of rice linguini ( 2 nests), 1½ cup coconut milk, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tsp brown sugar, salt
    20-25 minutes   Minutes

    This rice linguini and veggies bowl is perfect for a middle of the week meal, it’s simple and quick to prepare, you won’t have to  labour in front of the oven after work.

    I love the creamy sweetness of the peanut butter sauce mix with the meatiness of the mushrooms, the pumpkin seeds brings a nice crunch, and, who doesn’t like pasta!!


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