

New Years Resolutions & Reflections Checklists: Free Downloads

New Years Resolutions & Reflections Checklists: Free Downloads

    Dear community,

    The last week before New Years is ideal for reflecting on the year that has passed and planning for the year that's about to begin. It has become our tradition to share with you early checklists for this matter. This time, we expanded the checklists and now, each one of them has 2 pages. There's plenty of room for you to think, analyze, and reflect.

    Cozy up, put some relaxing vibes on, light up some candles and dedicate at least 1-2 hours to this process. We've already written down our reflections and we were surprised of the results - the year has been way more productive than we thought.

    You can download it for free here:

    2019 Reflections Checklist

    2020 Resolutions Checklist

    Enjoy and share your biggest achievements and the happiest moments in the comments!♥

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