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As mums, we are always busy, and self-care is a vital part of maintaining our mental health, but it can be hard to find the time. Self-care doesn't have to be about a luxurious spa day or buying expensive clothes. It can be as simple as making sure you're getting enough sleep, eating well, and spending time with people who make you happy.
Mums must remember they are more than their responsibilities, and they deserve time just for themselves too! In this blog post, I will talk you through some self-care ideas for mums who feel pressured with their everyday lives.
Self-care doesn't need to be expensive or complicated. Simple things like reading a book or going for a walk can be self-care activities. This blog post will give you some ideas on how you can take 10-minute self-care breaks daily or at least as often as you can.
When you're a mum, it's easy to get bogged down with the daily grind of parenting.
Self-care is a ritual that allows us to recharge and be more connected with our surroundings. It's easy for mothers who are taking care of their families, household duties, and work - it can also feel like we're giving up on ourselves when all these things need attention constantly! But self-care doesn't have to mean being selfish or meeting obligations only for yourself; instead, you should do the things that make you happy, so your life feels balanced (both at home AND away).
Self-care isn't just something reserved exclusively for mums either – it really helps everyone in any type of relationship. The benefits extend beyond mental health as well: Self-care improves physical wellbeing too! This makes sense since every single part of our body is affected by our mental state.
Many studies have linked self-care with a reduced risk of depression, and it can even help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and OCD. And if you're already feeling depressed or stressed, taking some time for yourself is an essential part of building resilience – giving the mind and body a break from the worrisome thoughts that can bog it down.
Some people think of self-care as exercise. Even going on vacation, there are so many ways to care for yourself! And you can do anything that makes you feel better (not just the conventional ideas)
Why is Self-care important?
Self-care isn't just something reserved exclusively for mums either – it really helps everyone in any type of relationship. The benefits extend beyond mental health as well: Self-care improves physical wellbeing too! This makes sense since every single part of our body is affected by our mental state.
Many studies have linked self-care with a reduced risk of depression, and it can even help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and OCD. And if you're already feeling depressed or stressed, taking some time for yourself is an important part of building resilience – giving the mind and body a break from the worrisome thoughts that can bog it down.
A lot of people think of self-care as exercise or even going on vacation – but there are so many ways to care for yourself! And you can do anything that makes you feel better (not just the conventional ideas)
Looking After Your Mental Health
Sleep is important for self-care - it helps you look after yourself better by helping you focus and feel more energetic, which means you will be less tired during the day! Self-care doesn't only mean taking care of yourself. It's also about looking after those around you!
Our mental health matters as much as physical health. To take good care of yourself mentally, slow down, which is easier said than done (even if it's only 10 minutes). You may wonder how it's possible for someone who has so little time available for themselves to relax and take some time out of with all their responsibilities. You may be too tired or just not have the time, so often you don't even know how to look after yourself, but if you want to do a good job in taking care of your kids, then you need to learn how to look after yourself first!
If you look after yourself on a regular basis, your good health will give you strength and energy to be there for others - making everything in your life better! Let's face it... It's not easy to slow down when we're so busy with work, children, household tasks etc. But setting time aside for ourselves is just as important to our families.
10-minute self-care activities
Make time to take a break when you can. Even if it's just for five minutes, do something that makes you feel good and gives your mind some rest (e.g., listening to music). When we are doing things we enjoy, they don't seem like work, and even the most boring activities can become enjoyable little escapes for those few minutes.
here are a few self-care ideas to try when you have a spare 5 -10 minutes
Self-Massage is an easy thing to do in your busy day. Self-massage can help you relax and soothe your tired muscles. If you don't have the time, money, or energy to get a full body massage, self-massaging is perfect for busy mums! Self-massage can be done with things that are already at home - like a tennis ball, a bowl of rice, even using gloves with small balls inside them. Self-massage can improve circulation and promote healing by improving circulation. In addition, it releases tension and stimulates blood flow which means it helps relieve stress which results in less irritation!
Here's how to give yourself a simple foot massage: Put on some relaxation music (only do this if you have no kids at home!) - You can use a ball, a tennis ball or massage gloves for this Sit on the floor or on the bed. Take off your socks and shoes, so you are comfortable when doing this Self-massage - You can also do this with both feet at once! Self
Massage Steps:
Roll the ball/massage glove between your two big toes (with your eyes closed) for 30 seconds. Then, gently press into the sides of your foot, right down to the arch. Use one hand to gently knead each foot Self-massage helps relieve stress, anxiety and depression, which is great if you're feeling emotional! Self-massaging every day (not just in times of distress) will result in fewer emotional ups and downs.
Self-massage also helps us feel better because it makes us think of ourselves as valuable. Spending time on ourselves is a way to show that we are worth it! Self-massage can be done anywhere anytime, so why not start now?
Listening to Self-Talk
Self-talk is where we talk to ourselves quietly in our heads. Self-talk can make us feel better about things that are happening in life. Having positive self-talk allows us to focus on the good stuff instead of focusing on how bad a situation could be Self Talk Process:
Identify the negative thought
Write it down
Rewrite it as a positive statement
Identify your feelings
Rehearse new thoughts and affirmations
Self-talk has many benefits, here are just a few! Self-talk will help you develop an optimistic World view; It can help build confidence. It gives you control over your emotions and improves your mood. Self-talk can also motivate you by helping you achieve your goals, and it's a way to keep your goals in front of you. Self-talk is powerful and can allow you to change how you experience situations.
Self-Talk Self Talk Benefits:
Self-talk can improve your self-esteem. It promotes positive thinking, helps deal with stress and can help release anger Self-talk is an effective tool for depression and self worry. Self-talk allows us to think about our concerns or problems objectively. In addition, self-talk produces calming physiological changes, which results in lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate and decreased muscle tension.
10 minutes of Meditation
Meditation can be done at any time (and in any space). Using meditation techniques, we get the benefits of relaxation and good health. For example, a 10 minute guided meditation session will clear away personal negativity and allow more peace.
Find a quiet place to sit in peace
Breathe deeply and let your muscles relax
Visualize yourself being surrounded by a lovely calming light
Imagine you are breathing out tension
Repeat the words "I'm at peace."
Meditation can help us relax, de-stress, make better choices and improve our memory Self-care meditation is a simple way to have 10 minutes of relaxation! focus on the present moment while letting go of worries or concerns
A few more things to try
Get outside and enjoy a 10-minute brisk walk
Read a chapter of a book or listen to an audiobook
Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts down on paper
Catch up with a friend over the phone
Adult colouring books
Give yourself a facial
Take a shower with a shower steamer
Listen to a podcast
Paint your nails
Watch a favourite tv show or movie
Play with a pet or read to your children Self-care is unique, personal and essential Self-care is good for everyone. It can help improve our lives, will make us feel happier about ourselves and the world around us. Self-care should be part of everyday life, and it also means we permit ourselves to enjoy simple pleasures without feeling guilty. Self-care gives you time out from daily demands. Giving yourself 10 minutes of self-time may not seem like much, but it's something.
Start taking 10 Minutes for Yourself Today!
"I know how tough it can be to find time for myself sometimes. It's hard when everything else seems more important than taking care of yourself. But I'm going to try harder this year by making a conscious effort! So, if you don't have time right now, please promise yourself that you will make your self-care happen."
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Originally posted on my personal blog at https://katie-louise.com/self-care-is-important-for-busy-mums.
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