

5 Common Dental Issues and How to Prevent Them

5 Common Dental Issues and How to Prevent Them

    Your teeth are always under a lot of strain. This is the hardest part of your body, but at the same time is the most prone to problems. To stay strong and healthy, your teeth need care. It is crucial to know the signs of common dental conditions and understand how to prevent them. 

    Even if your dentist is able to fix dental problems, the responsibility for their health lies with you. Here are the most common dental problems and useful recommendations on how to prevent them. 

    1. Tooth decay

    Tooth decay is a destruction of the tooth. It can affect both enamel and dentin. The bacteria, food debris, and acids in the mouth combine with saliva and form plaque that clings to your teeth. Acids in the plaque damage the enamel and make the teeth surface porous. Over time these small pores increase and turn into big holes called cavities.

    To prevent tooth decay it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, rinse them with mouthwash, and use dental floss. Choose a toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride. This element may help strengthen your teeth and decrease the risk of tooth decay.

    Diet is another important thing that can prevent dental cavities. Eat a nutritious and balanced meal to provide your teeth with necessary microelements. Limit sugary and acidic foods that cause bacteria growth in the mouth.

    2. Gum disease

    The main cause of gum disease is the bacterias found in your oral cavity. They create a sticky film between your teeth and gums. When bacteria begin to grow, the gums surrounding the tooth can become inflamed. If left untreated, inflammation may cause gums loosening and bone deterioration. This may result in gum recession or even tooth loss.

    To decrease the risk of gum disease it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene. Such things as bad habits or age can also make you more prone to gum disease. Quitting smoking can significantly decrease the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis. 

    3. Teeth sensitivity

    Sensitive teeth is a common problem in both children and adults. Teeth sensitivity often arises as a result of tooth enamel thickening or tooth root exposure. Some dental procedures like teeth whitening may also increase the sensitivity of your teeth. Teeth sensitivity causes you to feel discomfort during certain activities like brushing teeth, eating, and drinking. It might be impossible to handle the pain when you expose your teeth to something extremely hot or cold.

    Proper oral hygiene will decrease your risk of teeth sensitivity. It is also recommended to reduce the intake of sugary, starchy, and acidic foods. Alcohol and soda are highly acidic drinks that may also damage tooth enamel and increase sensitivity. Use a fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to strengthen teeth enamel. 

    4. Dry mouth

    Dry mouth can make it harder to eat, talk, and taste the food. Common causes of dry mouth include dehydration, breathing through your mouth, stress, and smoking. Problems with salivary glands or some medication may also cause dry mouth. 

    To prevent dry mouth it is crucial to drink plenty of water and keep your body hydrated. Try to breathe through your nose instead of the mouth. Limit the intake of caffeinated beverages, tobacco, and alcohol. These may also increase the dryness of the mouth. 

    5. Bad breath

    Bad breath may result from poor dental hygiene or be a symptom of other dental problems. If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day, then food particles remain in your mouth promoting bacterial growth. Waste that bacterias produce causes an unpleasant smell. Certain foods and unhealthy lifestyles may also cause unpleasant smell from your mouth. 

    Good oral hygiene and a healthy lifestyle will significantly reduce the risk of bad breath. Avoid foods that have a strong and saturated smell. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water during the day to prevent bad breath. Water washes away bacterias and food debris from your mouth that cause bad breath. 

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