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Every month is like a new opportunity- to do what you could not do in the last month; and to be a 'new' you- with new lessons, new strengths, and new habits. Life teaches us many lessons; but important is we learn from it.
From this month onwards, I am going to share my new learning and reflections (in terms of personal achievement, growth & life lessons learned) from the previous month. I will write this post at the end of every month, or by the beginning of every month. This way I will be able to remember my uncompleted tasks, and refocus on my goals to work even more harder to make it happen. I hope you find these reflections, and lessons helpful to keep moving forward in your life irrespective of your situation and challenges.
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy, but one of the strongest reason is to "stay happy for no reason." When we attach our happiness to different reasons, we are sure to feel sad and worried when changes occur in our life!
"I have had learned from my past experiences that, nobody can make you happy- when you don't want to; and when you decide to stay happy- nobody can block it!"
Invest in yourself and Brave Up!
Take a chance, be honest, and life will surprise you.
Obstacles are there to show you new lessons.
If you really want something, you have to be prepared to seize those opportunities, work hard for it, and to never give up.
Being Yourself. Being the Real You is the greatest gift you can give to this world.
We don’t have to “fit in.” We just have to follow our hearts and love unconditionally. When we do that, the world fits around us.
Sometimes life will not go as you planned. When this happens, breathe and remember that life’s richness often comes from its unpredictability. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Be thankful to start from where you are now. Wishing for a different past will only waste your present.

Looking forward to share more inspiration and positive vibes with you all- so that you live more happily and purposefully everyday!
I'm excited to share those 6 lessons I've learned that gave my life a new direction:
1. The more you look for bad in someone, the more it will show up.
"I realized that when I saw the good side of the person and ignored everything else- there was hope! There was space for hope to grow, to be together, to have better relationship, and to be there for each other no matter what challenges you face in life.
2. Change your habits one-at-a-time.
Don't rush to see changes in you immediately! Changes take time to happen- and specially good ones! Take it slow; and if it does not work-out the first time-breathe and repeat. You cannot be a completely positive and 'perfect' person in one day. Practice and have patience."I am taking it slowly and happily." As long as you are open to growth; there is definitely hope!
3. Children teaches us many things.
We often see our childhood in our kids. The best way to live that life again- is by 'growing' young again with your kids. Feel your dreams with them. Touch and feel life's simple pleasures with them. Let them hone your talents and skills- by involving you in their tasks. Allow them to let you know- what you are doing right, and what is wrong!
4. Strong Relationships are built on understanding each other's need and creating more quality space for each other.
The more you will allow your partner to live his or her life with pleasure (without declaring any limits)- the more respect you will develop for each other. Remember to have quality time with each other; but also spending some good-time with your friends. Friends, outdoor physical activities, personal interests; etc. also matter in life-even after marriage! So practice to balance life with your spouse as well as with your friends and family. Do not control. Let there be more space, respect, and care for each other every day.
5. Everyday brings something good for you
"I go to bed every night with this hope that; tomorrow is going to be a new day for me. A new start and another opportunity to set things right-in life." There is definitely something good in each day-feel it and live it!
"I know; I sound selfish." But this is true: A person who doesn't care about oneself; can never care for others. Taking care of our physical and emotional well-being is the fuel that helps you run for this life. When you understand the need to respect your dreams and passion- you will realize; how important it is for the other person too!
Remember, blessings can often be disguised as challenges and pain. Move through it. Take action one step at a time. Allow things to flow to you and through you. When you begin to follow your inner compass, things will begin to fall in place, and everything will start changing for you.
It is so important to pay attention to these tiny lessons of life that give us the mightiest solutions to navigate our days with strength, hope, and courage. Slowing down or pausing to understand what life is trying to teach us can only calm our unsettling thoughts and emotions. I hope you're benefitted by these important lessons I share in this post!
Main Image Credit- George Pagan III on Unsplash
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