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8 Food Myths About Arthritis You May Not Know
Arthritis affects nearly a quarter of all adults in the United States. There is no known cure for the disease, but there are many theories about what may help alleviate symptoms.
Does milk make your symptoms more painful? Is it safe to eat tomatoes? Is it possible to draw moisture from your bones by sprinkling salt in your shoes?
1. Tomatoes
It's a shame about the tomato. Long thought to be poisonous, it is frequently vilified for making arthritis worse. This is due to the fact that tomatoes naturally produce a toxin known as solanine. This toxin is thought to be involved in inflammation, swelling, and joint pain.
However, no link has been found between arthritis pain and tomatoes, or any of their cousins such as potatoes and eggplants.
So, how did this myth begin? To protect the fruit from animals and fungi, tomato plants' leaves are poisonous. When it comes to potatoes, avoid those with green spots. Toxins in these green spots could make you sick.
2. Citrus
If you enjoy eating grapefruit, consult your doctor about which medications you should avoid.
Certain drugs, such as those used to treat high cholesterol, high blood pressure, infections, and heart problems, may interact with this healthy breakfast staple. However, there is no evidence that citrus fruits cause arthritis pain.
In fact, the vitamin C in citrus may be beneficial to your arthritis. It may stimulate your body's production of collagen, a necessary component of healthy bones.
3. Vinegar
Drinking apple cider vinegar, according to some proponents, can help manage arthritis pain and disease progression because the vinegar destroys free radicals that cause inflammation. While this is simply not the case,don't avoid vinegar entirely; just reserve it for salads.
4. Gin-soaked raisins
Raisins soaked in gin may alleviate your arthritis symptoms — but only until the alcohol wears off. It's also thought that the sulfur in raisins helps with joint pain.
However, there is no evidence that soaking raisins in gin or any other alcohol-food combination will improve your arthritis.
On the other hand, excessive alcohol consumption can depress your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to illness and exacerbating your arthritis. If you have arthritis and gout, drinking red wine can make it worse.
5. Dairy
Some people believe that avoiding dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese will help alleviate arthritis symptoms. This myth stems from the belief that many people are lactose intolerant, which means that their bodies do not properly absorb dairy.
Dairy allergies are also on the rise, adding fuel to the fire. Any condition that interferes with absorption deprives your body of essential nutrients, which can weaken your immune system. However, the National Institutes of Health reports that most people can consume small amounts of dairy products without experiencing any symptoms.
What's the bottom line? As long as you don't have a dairy allergy, dairy can be a healthy part of your diet if you have arthritis.
6. Gelatin
Does gelatin cause gelatinous joints? This food myth is most likely based on the outdated (and incorrect) belief that the physical properties of food will benefit the body.
Wiggly gelatin will not wiggle stiff joints. Gelatin has no effect on arthritis pain. Avoid it if you don't like it. If it's a favorite, go easy on it.
7. Salt in your shoes
Many people report that the weather makes their arthritis worse. This is where the old wives' tale about putting salt in your shoes to relieve arthritis pain comes from.
The theory is that salt, which naturally attracts moisture, will draw moisture from the body and relieve joint swelling. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, so there's no reason to wear high-sodium heels.
8. Fasting
There is no shortage of information available about fasting and its purported health benefits. Fasting may help with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, according to some studies. However, the benefits are only temporary, and symptoms will return once you return to a normal diet.
There is no evidence that fasting aids in the treatment of arthritis. Maintaining a healthy weight can help relieve arthritic joint pain. However, there are healthier alternatives to fasting you can try.
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