Am I allowed to be selfish?

    I will start with a question, why selfishness needs to be a bad thing? If you follow my journey I have mentioned a number of times that you need to be in the first place and it is OK to be selfish.

    In case, this title has intrigued you, maybe you feel like I am right but you don't know why it makes you feel that way. 

    Another question of mine is why do YOU allow yourself to be at the last place over and over again!? That is why some people benefit from, you care more about others than for yourself. I am sorry if I have offended you, that was not my intention of this post at all. I want to tell you that saying NO is totally normal and you don't have to be perfect. 

    Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@anthonytran?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Anthony Tran</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/selfish?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>   Don't feel bad about your imperfection. You are awesome!


    Seeking perfection almost cost me enjoying life a few times, if I am being honest. I started questioning my actions and where I should be in my life at this point and time. Then, I realized that I have been so much concerned about how others will see me and that I have put too high goals when I was younger. This has caused a big gap and I have lost myself for a moment.

    This week, I want to give myself extra self-care time and clear the air between my expectations and the real situation. Working little by little on yourself and your goals will get you to get yourself together, in the video, you can see what I have suggested I start doing. Bad day, week month doesn't mean bad life it is just one cycle.

    Watch the video 

    • Julia M Julia M :

      Yes, you are!  And, agree to all the tips mentioned in the video. Cleaning up, changing things, taking care of yourself. What helps me personally as well is to always get showered & dressed, and change the location, even for a day. Get better  

      3 years ago 
      • Marcela I Marcela I :

        For me depends. Sometimes even going in for a coffee at a different location will do.  Thank you, you too     

        3 years ago 
    • Martina F Martina F :

      Marcela, you are right! It's very easy, especially in this lockdown period, to feel a bit sad! I think is totally normal some days to feel down, and I also follow a routine to take care of myself. Small rituals but very important.     

      3 years ago 
      • Marcela I Marcela I :

        Small things can make the biggest change in your life if it's the right change. For me, it is to step back a bit and to have time for myself. I like to say prepare yourself for the wins but learn from the lost battles, don't let them discourage you.   

        3 years ago 
    • Kashish P Kashish P :

      Your videos are such great pick me ups! They push me to focus on myself more๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

      3 years ago 
      • Marcela I Marcela I :

        Really? I am so glad to hear that are useful and helpful.   I was wondering if others find it helpful and push them.  You have made my day with your comment. Thank you!

        3 years ago 
    • Tiara M Tiara M :

      Wow! Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding this topic. I really took what you said to heart as I feel I sometimes place such high expectations of myself and get lost/overwhelmed. The video you included was also so helpful!

      3 years ago 
      • Marcela I Marcela I :

        Thank you for reading. I am so happy to hear that it is helpful. I did even realized how much high expectations I have from myself it is crazy. Living being more kind to ourselves   

        3 years ago 
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