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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone has the right to be wrong or right, to agree with the masses and to stand alone for what they believe.
“Different people have different opinions, and it’s okay to respect all of them.”
One thing that I’m pretty well-known for is having A LOT of opinions, and not always the most popular ones.
I had already planned to write a post similar to this one a while back when my best friend Nicole reminded me of just HOW MANY unpopular opinions I have. Then, I saw one of my all-time favorite YouTubers Carrie Dayton create a couple of videos like this one - which you can watch here - and I realized how entertaining it could be and knew exactly how to structure mine.
I want to make it clear that by writing this post, I am not saying that people with different opinions are wrong in any way. And I’m writing this purely for entertainment value - we can all still be friends, no matter how much some of these might make you want to come for me. ?
So, here we go - here are some of my most un-popular opinions. Leave me a comment with your thoughts, below.
Read all about it on my blog Espresso Myself here.
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