

​​The Lazy Girl’s Tips To A Perfect Bikini Body

​​The Lazy Girl’s Tips To A Perfect Bikini Body

    Everywhere you look, there are gorgeous bikini bodies, diet, and exercise tips that promise amazing results. That’s all great, but if you’re a lazy girl who has more important things to deal with rather than working out? Well, if that’s the case with you, then our bikini body guide for lazy girls might be the right thing for you. Read on to learn more about looking your best in a bikini, even if you’re a little bit of a lazy girl. Here are some tips that will help you achieve that.

    1. Accept yourself the way you are

    If you’re not someone who spends hours in the gym or pirates elaborate healthy meals, then you should do your best to accept yourself the way you are. Luckily, the body positivity movement has got your back, so rather than obsessing over every single flaw, try to feel as confident as possible in your body. Self-acceptance is also the ultimate confidence statement, which is why it’s important to adopt such a mindset.


    2. Find a bathing suit/bikini that works for your body type

    Not all bikinis were made for one body type in mind. Therefore, be sure to do your research before you settle on a perfect model. Even though transforming your body is a worthwhile goal, you should still take your time to pick a bikini that will accentuate the positive and camouflage the negative parts of your body. For example, a high-waist bikini is perfect if you’re trying to conceal the stubborn belly fat, while a halter top can be handy if your bust is too large. You can even combine different pieces and match them together, but make sure that colors and patterns are well-coordinated.

    3. Invest some effort, to a degree that suits you

    Even if you’re generally lazy, it’s smart to invest a certain level of effort, in order to reap some benefits. Eating breakfast is a great idea to give your body some nutrients in the morning. Also, drinking more water over sugary sodas is also an effortless way to live a healthier lifestyle and look better. If you dislike working out, that’s fine, since not everyone’s made to be a gym person. In that case, investing in a percussion massager gun is a great way to reduce fat in critical body parts without even leaving your home. Investing time in this type of low effort can yield pretty amazing results, as long as you’re quite consistent about it. 


    4. Work on your posture

    Your posture and the way you carry yourself can have a huge influence on the way you look. Fixing your posture through light exercise can be more effective in some cases than many hours in the gym. Sure, the excessive workout is better to reduce belly fat, for example, but it may not be effective if your heart’s not in it. Also, if you’re absolutely not into working out, then doing some light yoga or other stretches can do wonders for your posture. You may even find a reliable physical therapist to help you fix any posture issues that you may have.

    5. Don’t compare yourself to typically pretty people

    Comparison is a thief of joy, and self-confidence, especially in this case. Not all of us can be tall, thin, and built like supermodels, which is why it’s important to embrace ourselves the way we are. Sure, doing some works to look good is great, but you should do it in order to better yourself, and not because someone else looks prettier than you. A lot of beauty standards we cling to are quite outdated, so rather than feeling inadequate, just be your own beauty standards once and for all. 


    A Beach body or bikini body can be anything you want it to be. Your body type and the way you’re built are something you cannot change, so feel free to implement these tips in order to feel amazing in your next bikini. Investing some effort, accepting yourself, and wearing a bathing suit made for your body type can have wonderful effects without pertaining to toxic elements of diet culture. 

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