

Hi! In this video I'm unboxing the Suzuki Herb parcel I received months ago. Suzuki Herb is a japanese skincare brand. It was my first time tring japanese skin products and I really love that! I loved the attention and careful for the details. I also liked the texture of the creams.

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  • Liss M Liss M :

    I have researched about Suzuki Herb brand, heard from you that I am really excited and want to use it. The Duck Life Game Series includes training, racing, and strategy elements. If you want to be the best duck racer in the world, you need to train your duck. Getting the toughest duck in the area won't be simple, though.

    1 year ago 
  • Jane C Jane C :

    I recently started using Japanese skincare products and they are truly amazing. I used to prefer Korean ones before, but Japanese ones are equally good and felt really nice on the skin. My colleague at MBA personal statement writer recommended me, and I am glad she did. Loved your review about them and I totally agree

    1 year ago 
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