

10 Tips On How To Save Money During Quarantine/Isolation

10 Tips On How To Save Money During Quarantine/Isolation

    It is very important to save money especially at this difficult time. People all over the world are staying at home because of the quarantine/lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus and most of us are away from work. All we have is our savings.

    Here are the list I prepared that will be helpful for you to save money. Remember and do this tips!

    Shop groceries carefully.

    Choose affordable healthy food and necessities. Stick to basic and if you’ve been buying junk food cola/soft drinks, it’s time for a rest for that right now. You must focus on building your immune system. Choose bananas for fruits, some eggs for meals, and ginger for tea. You should also estimate your chosen groceries on until when it will last that's why you should also prepare a meal plan (will mention later).

    Shop online.

    Grocery and pharmacy stores are still open to supply our needs. They now provide home deliveries in the city for us to avoid going outside. Other than that, we can avoid spending money for gasoline or fare.  You must also remember that you should only buy necessary items. You need to control your yourself from buying things you just want right now. Needs before wants, okay?

    Plan your meals.

    Plan your meals ahead so that you can track your expenses, the amount of food you eat, and the food you need to shop or order. With this you also don't need to shop everyday and you can schedule when you need to order groceries. Stay healthy, save money!

    Reuse your teabags.

    We all love tea and it's healthy! If you love drinking tea, you can reuse your teabags for two to three cups. Spend less, more tea. Yum yum.

    Cancel unnecessary subscriptions and memberships.

    You must cancel unnecessary subscriptions before it ate up all of your money and you didn't have any chance to benefit from it. A gym subscription for example, you can’t go to your gym right now because of the quarantine/lockdown. So instead instead of going there, you can just work out in your own home and cancel your subscription so your money won’t go to waste.

    Grow fruits or vegetables.

    If you have a garden and you have seeds of the fruits or vegetables you bought, now is the best opportunity for it to sprung. Take care of it and see it grow, and when it does, you can lesser your grocery expenses. If only we have a garden, I would really plan all of the seeds of the vegetables and fruits we bought. Don't waste this opportunity if you have a garden.

    Save electricity and water.

    Switch lights off during the day. Turn off and unplug unused appliances. If you’re living in a tropical country and you have an air conditioner, don’t use it often. Don’t waste too much water and make sure that you properly closed your faucets after use. You must practice this with or without quarantine, it's for you and your environment.

    Stop Smoking.

    Now’s the best time to quit smoking if you’re a smoker. Cigarettes in our country are expensive.  Quitting smoking can not only save you money but it can save your life. Focus on building and strengthening your immune system.

    Do your own cleaning.

    Its time to clean your own home. During normal days, we're always at work and don't have time to clean our own houses because we're so busy trying to make some money but right now we have all day to clean our house. Now's your best opportunity to grab your vacuums and play some music. You save money from hiring a home cleaner (if you do) and get yourself to exercise!

    Don’t buy/order new books.

    Yes! You read that right. If you're a book lover and other than reading, your hobby is also buying lots of books to put on your bookshelves and planning to read it after hundreds of years, you must stop that hobby right now. I know you still have lots of books there lying around waiting for you to read (cause I have too. haha). This is the best opportunity read them and it will not cost you anything.

    • I. M I. M :

      Yes, there are lots of books on my shelf waiting for me to read.   I also should consider reading them before buying a new one haha!

      4 years ago 
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