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- Intense wave of panic
- Nausea and throwing up
- Feeling sweaty and really hot
- Feeling cold
- Jittery or shaking uncontrollably
- Needing to go to the toilet a lot
- Feeling very trapped/ claustrophobic and like rooms are suddenly really stuffy
- Not being able to think clearly
- Heightened sense of everything happening around you (this can make ordinary things like waiting for something feel unbearable)
- Finding it hard to breathe
Although I have an idea what might have triggered anxiety more generally for me with the experiences I have had over the last two years, often in the specific moment I am unaware of the trigger/ why I feel anxious. I have sometimes felt anxious in situations I usually have never ever felt anxious in before and ordinarily have been fine in. Sometimes association (if I have felt anxious before in a similar situation) can trigger anxiety, but sometimes it comes seemingly out of the blue. I had really bad anxiety once on a work shift to the airport. It was completely unexpected to me as I felt fine beforehand, but as soon as I reached the airport, I felt a sudden immense wave of panic, felt jittery, like I couldn’t think and very very trapped and I threw up in front of everyone also working the shift with me. This was such an awful experience with such intense emotions and physical symptoms that the prospect of going through anything remotely similar is terrifying. The anxiety was also so bad that in the last few times I have been in an airport, I have felt anxious because my brain is making the association and a connection to a similar experience where I also felt anxious.
Living with anxiety
Honestly, I am still learning to navigate what works best for me when I do feel anxious, but I have learned a few things that work for me and I also wanted to put out there.Fresh air
Fresh air and going outside massively helps me. When I feel anxious, places I am in suddenly feel very stuffy and like they do not have enough air. Going outside and focussing on breathing and feeling that fresh air really helps when I have been nauseous and feeling more claustrophobic.Carrying sick bags
One of the things that makes me more anxious is knowing that I throw up out of anxiety and not having anywhere to do that, especially when I am in a public place. I hate the idea of potentially making a scene or making a mess. You don’t always have access to a toilet or can’t always go outside. Knowing that I have a sick bag I can use if I need it is a huge relief and just affirms to me that it doesn't matter even if I do need to throw up. Even if I don't end up needing to use it, just carrying it with me is comforting.Tell someone if relevant
Slow down
I know this might not work for everyone, and sometimes if I am already at the peak of anxiety it does not make much of a difference. But, focussing my mind on something completely different can help me forget/ignore more that I feel anxious. Often you will know when you are starting to feel anxious and will recognise the symptoms. This can lead to you spiralling and your anxiety getting worse. Distracting yourself, whether it be by talking to someone or listening to music can sometimes make a huge difference.Medication
Although this is a very personal choice and not a magic problem solver, there is medication that can help. I personally would recommend it to help you out if you have had really bad anxiety, but not as the only thing to try in isolation. I have been prescribed beta-blockers and although not a substitute for learning to cope with anxiety, I have found that they have helped me a lot with the symptoms.Doing what you had planned anyway
Useful links
Inês A :
Amazing reflection on anxiety! Especially on its physical consequences. It's shocking how we tend to underestimate or even ignore something that is obviously so real and with such serious consequences. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Teresa . :
Thank you! I think a lot of people do not realise how connected mental health and physical health are and how mental health can result in physical symptoms.
Inês A :
Absolutely! And, at the same time, it is really sad that, for most people, the physical consequences need to be there for them to take mental health seriously, right?
Teresa . :
I feel like that is true - even for me, it was only when I had more frequent and intense physical symptoms that I started paying more attention to it!
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