Try to make the most of the little moments, life and it’s opportunities and have a positive impact on your surroundings
My Posts
Dealing with loss and grief
I have thought about writing about this before on various occasions, but tackling this topic scared
2022 life lessons
The end of this year wasn’t what I would have hoped but that doesn’t mean that the
How to get out of a slump
This is a small update to my original post on how to get out of a slump. Sometimes life
Why I stopped searching for happiness
“Be happy”. A quote that everyone has heard and has been repeated so often.
Key takeaways from university
My time at university, although filled with some of the best times of my life, were also the
Anxiety: what it is like and living with...
The first time I think I heard about anxiety was in secondary school and I did not really
It is never too late...
Over various points, I have thought about what influences how well you can do in something and what
Learning to be proud of what you achieve
I have noticed that it is not very common for me to feel completely happy with what I achieve. That
How are you really?
How many times have you automatically answered "I am okay" to the question how
Going with the flow
Going with the flow- doing things in a way that feels right for you in the moment
I reached a breaking point
I have been carrying a lot of stress and baggage for a long time. 2020 has been an incredibly
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