I Did It!!πŸ€—

    Very Exciting News!!😊

    This is Part ll of my Sugar series and I gotta tell you it was super hard these past couple months but I have finally got my rhythm back!!

    I wrote some weeks back about my struggle with Sugar. I loved anything with sugar in it...it became addictive. I told you that my doctor said I was pre-diabetic and I didnt listen twice. 

    I should have been.....

    It took insomnia nights, not feeling good and gaining weight to the point of not fiting my clothes anymore for me to realize it was time for an intervention. The first couple days was extremely hard...had a couple slips but once I got to the point where I stayed away from triggers it got easier. 

    I went to my doctor the other day and I couldnt believe it. 

    They took my weight and I lost 13lbsπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    I was so happy I almost cried😭 

    I have been working so hard on this adiction and to know in 2 months I was able to get back closer to my ideal weight. 

    During my journey, the more I stayed away from the sugars, the less I craved them. There were so many nights that I wanted a milkshake so bad from Mcdonalds but I said to myself...

    "How will I feel afterwards?"

    I stopped eating cookies, cakes, icecream in a full bowl,  drinking fruit juices and even indulging in pasta and bread meals. I have gotten better sleep, I can breathe easier, my stomach doesnt hurt anymore and I am not up all night. 

    Dont get me wrong...I am not off completely...I do eat some sugar in fresh fruits which naturally have them, also yogurts. I limit sugar to 25g a day and I am just fine. For some reason, foods you eat alot of and stop reboots the brain to not like it anymore. 

    I really can't eat a cookie without getting nauseus. They look good but my taste buds see it as poison. I couldnt even enjoy my sons graduation cake it was not tasty at all. 

    I literally would have before had 2 slices and icecream with no problem but now I cant even stomach it. Speaking of my stomach, it is much flatter now and I dont feel bloated anymore. 

    I loved the way I looked before but now it is even better x2 and I feel so much better. 

    Always keep your health in check and listen to your body. Love yourself no matter what changes you need to make to impact your health. Good Health and Feeling Good go hand in hand. 

    Have a great week!!πŸ‘

    • M D M D :

      Isn't it crazy how our bodies and cravings transform after changing diets? I've stopped eating meat for a while now and it's hard to imagine ever eating as much of it as I used to. I would love to know other tips you've used to change up your diet!

      3 years ago 
    • Hannah R Hannah R :

      Congrats! I also struggle with sugar - it's so hard to avoid when buying anything processed.

      3 years ago 
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