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Let’s throw it back to a few weeks ago and catch up on some of the things you’ve missed, shall we?
I have the coolest job in the world - truly. And one of the biggest reasons for that is the incredible people I get to work with - both inside my company and around the country. For those who don’t know, I manage websites for Jaguar Land Rover dealerships - sounds fancy right? I have wonderful relationships with my dealers - they’re so kind and fun to work with! One, in particular, was having a Grand Opening party - I’d soon find out it was the dealership party to top all parties - to celebrate their new facility. They extended an invitation to me and, of course, I couldn’t pass this incredible opportunity up. That event was, without question, one of the most enjoyable nights of my life. A HUGE THANK YOU to JLR Jacksonville for the fun!
Ethan was busy that weekend, so I packed a bag, booked a flight, and took my first adventure all by myself since he and I became us. I’ve always been a very independent person, and while I wish more than anything Ethan could have come, it was so great getting to go on this little jaunt and only have myself to worry about. So, I popped in my headphones - which I lost in security and had to pay an airport premium to replace, by the way - and took a short flight down to the souther-most point in the U.S. that I’ve ever been to! My first thought after deplaning was “ughhh it’s so freaking hot and humid.” A recurring theme that came to mind all through the weekend, for me. Even total strangers made comments to me about how uncomfortable warm I looked. I don’t know how the southern folks do it, truly.
Read all about it on my blog Espresso Myself here.
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