There are 11 posts created by our women community under the tag yoga:
7 Benefits of Yoga for Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common problems among people of all ages. Stress, poor posture, and
Yoga: Healing Power for Back Pain
In today's world, where stress and tension are becoming more common, millions of people suffer
Mindful Living: A Guide to Incorporating...
Learn how to reduce stress, increase focus, and improve your well-being with these simple yet
Pros and Cons of Yoga That You...
Yoga is defined as the integration of two elements: mind and body. This method originated in India
10 Wonderful Things That Happen to Your...
Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together the mind and body. Yoga involves breathing
Yoga Pants
I love to exercise...sometimes. If I were really honest I would have to say most times but the
Living My Truth
Last summer, while attending one of my yoga studio’s yoga classes in the park, I was prompted
How I Cope With Stress
Not well, is the short answer to that title. But I'm going to try anyways!
Chasing The Muse
I’ve been really struggling to write recently (what else is new, amirite?). Between doing
Tried It, Hated It!
Originally published on www.sexuallymindful.com July 23, 2020 by CoachMaryCCummunication 101 #10
Yoga in the Park
As any regular over at my blog knows, I am a member at a local yoga studio. Obviously, the studio
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